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4 Step Process to find and cultivate Passion

Updated: Dec 18, 2020

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Insights are taken from the Book Mastery by Robert Greene.

Have you ever had a moment where you are stuck while attempting a task, either writing, drawing,

problem-solving or compiling information and suddenly your creativity dies-your brain has failed you? And then boom you get a jolt of creativity that induces a flurry of genius, that allows you to continue your process of natural fluidity? It's like the euphoria that soon dissipates?.

We've all been there, but what is this stroke of creativity? We call it bursts of Mastery; it is a glimpse into a window where we tap into our potential. It is said to be an extension of oneself. But how do we go about harnessing it? We'll discuss it by answering 2 two questions.

1. What is our passion?

2. How do we build mastery?

1. What is our Passion?

1.1 What's your calling, what sets your fire alight?

What do you like to do that allows you to feel important? If you like something and you feel the importance of doing it, then perhaps look into it as something you can master.

1.2 Embrace the Nerves or Assumed "Weakness".

It may take some time to think about, but an even quicker way to ramp up your "what is my skillset" is to think about something that frightens you but also gives you a sense of excitement, the fear may be public speaking, but the excitement comes from embracing the idea of sharing insight with like-minded people. One can equate it to - turning your weakest attribute into your strongest asset.

Hopefully, by now, you've thought of something that takes you out of your comfort zone. Remember real growth happens when you are at a place of discomfort.

Now here is where it gets interesting:

2. How do we build Mastery?

1. Eliminate believing you are the best at what you do

By doing not this, you will bind yourself to compliancy because you don't consider your competitor's work relevant, thus limiting your process to benchmark, improve, and innovate. In the end, you need a standard from which to compete and a differentiator to pivot.

2. Push through Tedium

Word of advice, don't give up, learning something new or more in-depth will be tedious. It will be frustrating. Work on it until it quantifies into something enjoyable and more intuitive. You will start to enjoy your craft.

3. Mentorship

Cultivate an attitude towards learning from mentors and those better at a craft than yourself.

Mentors may have different perspectives and different insights to you. It pays to learn the craft from a seasoned individual. In the end, it will aid you in tightening up your inefficiencies, save you money, and a lot of time.

4. Repetition

Muscle Memory is "the ability to move a part of your body without thinking about it, learned by repeating the movement many times" (Cambridge dictionary). The same applies to the skill, do it so often it becomes second nature, feed it the right nutrients, it grows, this applies to your passions too.

Insights are taken from the book, Mastery by Robert Green.

We hope you found the nuggets of information as useful as we did.

Please Share with Others who may find it useful.

Bianca Hendricks.

Founder Of Burgeon Marketing Agency.

Marketing, Product, and Business Strategist.

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